Muunsan, as it stands today, was conceived during the lockdown of Covid-19 with a desire to discover and transpire inspiration from the mundane. I have been in the fashion industry all my life having worked as a project manager and a technical designer for a fashion handbag company in New York. It was during one such project that I met Sun while running production in Asia. As gardening enthusiasts and renovation connoisseurs, I and Sun have always been captivated by Nature in a pursuit to recreate its beauty in our aesthetic endeavors. So, together we started this brand of sustainable home decor and lifestyle products. Coming up with a name wasn’t that difficult. Combining our Thai nicknames, Soam means Moon in Thai as for Sun her Thai nickname, twist the wording a bit, became muunsan today.
But wait... there's more! One fine day, I told my massage therapist about this project. As luck would have it, she was a part of the OTOP or “One Tambon (sub-district) One Product” crafters who quit her craft because of the dismal wages. The obvious step for my partner and me was to work with her and her fellow crafters to improve upon their existing living conditions and preserve their craft. The fair wages at muunsan came as a warm retreat in their struggle for sustenance. From then on muunsan, became a movement of women empowerment, equality, and diversity. Our goal is to foster an atmosphere of positivity and optimism in an elegant loop of giving and receiving much like our products which are “hand-looped” with the utmost care and affection.
Thank You for supporting this humble brand of us.
Soam and Sun.